Discover Bible Guides
These Bible study guides are simple, easy to use, and answer some of life’s challenging questions, such as: Why does God permit suffering and dying? What is the secret to a happy life? Is there hope for our chaotic world?
It Is Written
Can God be trusted? And can the Bible be trusted? If a person has no firsthand knowledge of God, how can God earn that person’s trust? To push back against the arguments of those who challenge the Bible as unreliable and false, God must demonstrate that the Bible is worthy of complete confidence by showing that it is historically true and accurate. And in the Bible, God does that very thing!

And the adventure begins! Watch the best moments from the opening program of the SSD-wide Pathfinder Camporee here at Mountain View College, Valencia, Bukidnon. Checkout this video highlights and make sure to tag your pathfinder friends!